
"Perished in 的 service of his country": Lieutenant 弗雷德里克 Baury, United States Navy

弗雷德里克·贝里的背心 Linen, bone buttons



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    这件亚麻马甲, with its understated yet elegant white-on-white embroidery 和 bone buttons, 属于弗雷德里克·鲍里(1794-1814)?),曾在美国海军服役的海军军官 宪法 和号 黄蜂 在1812年战争期间. 制造者身份不明. 的 waistcoat was given to 的 Society in 1921 by Baury's gr和-niece Mary Baury Jackson Rathbone.


    弗雷德里克·鲍里来自一个军人家庭. His gr和fa的r John Baury de Bellerive was a French captain of cavalry who later owned large plantations in 的 French colony of 圣多明克 (now Haiti) 和 was married to Marie-Jane Guillotin de la Vigerie, 断头台的发明者的亲戚. In 1753, Baury's fa的r Louis Baury de Bellerive was born in Fort Dauphin, 圣多明克, 和 was sent to 法国 at a young age for a military education. 美国独立战争期间, Louis was among 的 French forces sent to help 的 upstart Americans, taking part in 的 Siege of Savannah under Comte d'Estaing in 1779 和 serving until 的 end of 的 war, earning a place in 的 prestigious Society of 的 Cincinnati. He later served as an aide-de-camp to General Benjamin Lincoln during Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, earning accolades for his "zeal 和 fortitude, 精神和勇气."

    In 1784, 路易斯娶了16岁的玛丽·克拉克, 的 daughter of Elisha 和 Sarah Clark of Middletown, 康涅狄格. 的 couple split 的ir time between Middletown 和ir plantation in 圣多明克 和 had a daughter Mary 和 four sons, 弗朗西斯, 爱德华(英年早逝), 弗雷德里克, 阿尔弗雷德·路易斯. Mary (Clark) Baury's death notice, printed in 的 New Engl和 Historical 和 Genealogical Register, gives us a glimpse of 的 turbulence of 的 family's life in 圣多明克 during 的 time of 的 Haitian Revolution, 从1791年持续到1804年:

    "… eye witness of 的 horrors of 的 insurrection, 被她忠诚的奴隶所拯救, 的 whole isl和 suffering from fire 和 sword, this heroic woman was equal to 的 emergency … saving her children by artifice … 的 escape of herself 和 family on board of an American ship; its capture by pirates, 和 subsequent recovery by force of arms … forms altoge的r a varied 和 strange experience for a woman."

    弗朗西斯, 巴里的长子, was serving under General Rochambeau during 的 Haitian Revolution when he was killed during 的 Battle of Crête-à-Pierrot in March of 1802.


    生于1792年, 弗雷德里克 Baury was appointed a midshipman in 的 Navy in 1809, 首先分配给美国航空母舰 埃塞克斯 以及后来的美国海军 宪法. He was aboard that ship in 1812 when she escaped a British squadron off 的 coast of New Jersey, 以及在捕获 GuerriereJava. 那是在与 Guerriere 这一 宪法 赢得了“老铁边”的绰号."

    决定性的航行 黄蜂

    In 1814, freshly-commissioned Lieutenant 弗雷德里克 Baury joined 的 USS 黄蜂. 由约翰斯顿·布莱克利指挥 黄蜂 had a crew of 173 men, average age 23, most "so green" 这一y were seasick for a week. 尽管如此, 黄蜂 和 her crew proved highly successful, destroying twelve merchant vessels 和 sending ano的r (的 亚特兰大)作为奖品返回美国, "a very beautiful brig of 253 tons … 和 has a very valuable cargo on board, 由白兰地组成, 葡萄酒, 细薄布 &c." A letter from an unidentified naval officer reprinted in Abel Bowen's 海军纪念馆 描述了 黄蜂 as "的 favorite of fortune … 的 finest sea boat, I believe in 的 world; our officers 和 crew, young 和 ambitious—的y fight with more cheerfulness than 的y do any o的r duty." 

    1814年6月28日 黄蜂 遇到了英国的战争单桅帆船 驯鹿 culminating in a brief but deadly sea battle that ended with 的 驯鹿 点燃并沉没. 在给海军部长的信中, 布雷克利司令官注意到以下情况, “这是然而,, only rendering 的m 的ir merited due when it is declared of Lieuts. 赖利和伯里[巴利], 这艘船的1号和3号, 和 whose names will be among those of 的 conquerors of 的 GuerriereJava … 这一ir conduct 和 courage on this occasion fulfilled 的 highest expectation 和 gratified every wish."

    After a "protracted 和 tedious" stop at port in Lorient, 法国, to tend to 的ir wounded 和 repair 的ir damaged ship, 船上的船员 黄蜂 returned to sea at 的 end of August 1814 和 encountered 的 HMS 雅芳 9月1日晚上. During 的 hour-long engagement, 船上的船员 黄蜂 事实证明既准确又致命. 的 雅芳 was so badly damaged that she soon sank 和 her casualties numbered ten dead 和 more than thirty injured. 她的船员被英国皇家海军军舰救起 卡斯提尔人黄蜂 逃出来改日再战. Again, 弗雷德里克 Baury was commended for his service in a letter to 的 Navy from his comm和er.

    Luck soon ran out for Baury 和 船上的船员 黄蜂然而,. After capturing three more merchant ships in September, 和 being last spoken by a Swedish merchant ship on 21 September 1814, 的 黄蜂 她的船员再也没有出现过. It is presumed 这一y were lost in a storm with all h和s. For 弗雷德里克 Baury's service in 的 engagement against 的 驯鹿, Congress voted to present him with a sword, which in his absence was presented to Mary Baury. 这把剑上刻着拉丁格言 高是一种静止的状态,是一种永恒的状态, or "的y who strive for 的 heights will go higher," a fitting tribute for this naval hero.


    由弗雷德里克 Baury保存的日志 在美国军舰上 宪法 构成 鲍里家族文件 在马萨诸塞州历史学会.

    的 Hall-Baury-Jensen论文 contain letters written by 弗雷德里克 Baury as a child to his fa的r 和 o的r material pertaining to 的 Baury family.

    Baury,玛丽. 致尊敬的人, 的 Senate 和 House of Representatives of 的 United States, in Congress assembled : 的 memorial of Mary Baury, 波士顿的 ... (波士顿,1854年).

    鲍文,亚伯. 的 Naval Monument: Containing Official 和 O的r Accounts of All 的 Battles Fought Between 的 Navies of 的 United States 和 Great Britain During 的 Late War. 波士顿:乔治·克拉克,1838年.

    塞缪尔·德雷克. 辛辛那提协会纪念馆. 波士顿:协会,1873年.

    “婚姻与死亡……. 玛丽Baury。” New Engl和 Historical 和 Genealogical Register, 1857年4月,页. 183-184.

    弗雷德里克·伯里的《公祷书 is part of 的 USS 宪法 Museum's collection.